Fat Loss Forever Masterclass

Fast Lane Fitness Club- Online Group Coaching Community

Introducing our Fast Lane Fitness Club!

This is our group coaching alternative to our 1:1 Program (Our Fast Trak Fitness & Nutrition System) that has led to 1,000lbs+ of client results in the past year!

In this program you will get the following:

-App access to track workouts, nutrition & much more

-A 3x a week workout template very similar to those that we fully personalize for 1:1 clients

-Exercise form videos

-A full education library so you can learn how to truly coach yourself & keep results LONG TERM

-A 1x personalized nutrition set-up (will be made available to you within 24 hours of sign-up)

-Access to our client community (will be added within 12-24 hours of sign-up)

-Access to our coaches via 1:1 Messaging (24 hour response time), office hours & community calls

-1,000+ Recipes

& the list goes on!

Sign up today to get instant access & start your fat loss journey!


Avg. Weight Loss Per Week


Avg. Time Spend Working Out Each Week


Avg. Time to Lose 20lbs



What worked for your friend WILL NOT work for you!

Everyone is different & needs coaching according to their specific goals & lifestyle!

Here at ONTRAK FITNESS LLC we treat each client on an individual basis according to their needs!

Our program will be 100% tailored to YOU so you get the results you deserve!


We take our clients results to heart.

We want each person we work with to succeed & do everything in our power to get you there.

If we offer you a spot in our program, we can honestly guarantee we are able to get you where you want/need to be.

Buy into the process & we are confident we can help you get to your goal!

Backed By Science

We have invested over $100k & years of time in our education + various certifications to make sure we know how to get our clients where they need to be!

We don't believe in fad diets, crazy workout routines or any of the other unsustainable BS that is out there today.

What we preach & apply in our program IS WHAT WORKS!

When applied properly, science doesn't lie!

Meet Our Coaches

At ONTRAK FITNESS we have 3 amazing coaches with experience, certifications & degrees that make them more than qualified to help YOU reach your fitness goals no matter the size!

Jonathan Banks

B.S. Human Nutrition


Meg Lyren

B.S. Human Nutrition

B.s. Health Sciences


Angela Loparo

Crossfit Athlete, PNL1

Why Am I Gaining Weight Even Though I'm Eating Little?

Why Am I Gaining Weight Even Though I'm Eating Little?

Hey there, I've noticed that you've been feeling frustrated and confused lately because you've been putting in the effort to eat less, yet you're seeing the numbers on the scale go up. I totally ... ...more

Fast Trak System

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The Benefits of Slow Eating: A Personal Coach's Perspective

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Fast Trak System

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